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Easter Peewee Eggs, a Hatchery Tradition

Hi folks, It’s an Easter tradition here at Asagi Hatchery to bring in some of Roy Kaneshiro’s very seasonal peewee chicken eggs. Roy and his family own and operate KK Poultry Farm over in Waimanalo. They’ve been raising chicken since the 50’s. They are famous for making sure the islands have fresh island peewees during Easter. In the egg world, peewees are the super small eggs, usually laid by very young chickens at the beginning of their egg laying careers. Small? Yup, very small. See the picture above? That’s a Peterson Upland Farm jumbo brown and a Kaneshiro peewee. Why...

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Mahalo Honolulu Magazine!

Wow, we’re mentioned as The Best Place to Pick Up Chicks in Honolulu Magazine’s 2012 Best of Issue on stands this month 🙂 Exceptionally cool.  And it was so much fun meeting the talented James Mane, the wonderful Honolulu Mag crew and the super Menpachi Productions team when they swung by to include the hatchery and a not so camera shy chick in James’ dream day in  Best Ever Day video.  Yay!

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Specialty Breeds & Brown Layer Hatches Scheduled for Valentine’s Day!

Yup, we feel that there’s no better day to usher in our first hatches of 2012 than on a day reserved for expressing love and affection. Not day goes by at the hatchery when a customer doesn’t come in with hearts in their eyes, sharing a heartwarming story about their chicken complete with sighs of adoration. Valentine’s Day 2012 will see the first Specialty hatch and a big batch of Rhode Island/White Leghorn pullets  (who grow up to be excellent laying hens – yes we can determine gender for this particular bird). Most of you have already placed your orders,...

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Local Fruit & Spice Starter Trees

Hi folks, We received a little forest of local fruit and spice starter trees in time for the new year.  The hatchery feels like an edible forest right now.  We love it! Trees are locally grown, no imports for us.  And all edibles, since we love to eat.  We’re excited about the spice trees we were able to get.  And except for the Black Pepper, they are all trees — the cinnamon is over seven feet tall.  Pretty cool. Here’s a close up of that fragrant cinnamon bark: And here’s a calamondin tree that’s already flowering and fruiting: We like...

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Heirloom seeds, seed saving and the future of food

We love Seed Savers Exchange.  It’s a non-profit member supported organization whose headquarters is a 890-acre farm  in Decorah, Iowa that maintains thousands of varieties of heirloom garden varieties of herbs, vegetables, flowers, fruits, legumes and even garlic.  It was founded in 1975 by Diane Ott Whealy and Kent Whealy to honor the tradition of preserving and sharing seeds.  They started with the seeds of two garden plants given to them by Diane’s grandpa – a German Pink and Grandpa Otts’ morning glory, brought to the U.S. by his parents when they migrated from Bavaria. What started as a personal...

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